*Car Broken into on Love Lane
Hey everyone,
This is Trisha Do. I live on love lane. We had our car broken into over the weekend. I was just wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing. Thank you for your reply. trisha.nixon17@gmail.com

*Basement Apartment Wanted
My niece is looking for a basement apartment to rent.  She is hoping to get married sometime this coming spring or summer and would like to live in our area. If anyone has a basement apartment they would like to rent out to contact me, Emily Jarvie at emilyjarvie@gmail.com.  Thanks!

*Wanted Job and Housing in the Lehi Area
My (ex)sister-in-law and her 3 kids are looking into moving to Utah (sooner rather than later J).  We just wanted to get the word out if anyone knows of any job opportunities (Utah or SLC County) and/or something for rent in the Lehi area, so let me know so I can pass it on!  She has experience in several areas: caregiver / hospitality / entertainment / food & beverage server / Office – Clerical / Admin – HR.
 #(801) 836-4643

*Book Club -
When:  TBD
Time: 7:30pm
What are we reading: