Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lehi Neighbor News and Events


*Book Club Tonight June 14th.The book we will discuss is, "Silas Marner" by, George Eliot.  We will be meeting Thursday June 14th at 7:30pm.  Auna Rasmussen will be hosting at her home,  185 Clay Lane.  

* Hair Extension Special with Meg Ford!
Hair extensions for $30 or less in the month of June!  This price includes everything except the cost of hair which can range from $35-$300 depending on which type you buy and how much you need. Most of my clients pay somewhere around $150 for their hair and you can re-use it up to 3 times.  All extension appointments require a consultation at least 1 week prior.  Call, text or email me to set up your free hair extension consultation appointment today and get beautiful long hair for the summer!
-Meg Ford
In home salon


You are all invited to come to the new neighborhood Zumba class being taught by Melissa Taylor every Monday morning at 9:30am at the church.

*FHE 46 +

 Will be the last Monday of each month until further notice.

*Running Club-
(If you wake up and it's rainy we won't be meeting that day)
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6:30am. And Saturdays at 8am.
Meet on the Corner of Clubview lane and Center Street by the UPS mailbox.
Walkers, Joggers and runners welcome!  This will be a great way to socialize outdoors with your neighbors while getting some great exercise!


*Here is an update on Jason And Julie Mandalaris: the two little boys are doing well. Minor scrapes and cuts. Crew is aware of what happened and is always asking about his mommy. Jason is holding up as best as he can under the circumstances. He also has minor scrapes and bruises. He is feeling so guilty about the accident and has not left Julie's side this entire time. Julie has 5 broken ribs a torn spleen a hip dislocated collapsed lung and several cuts on her head. She was bleeding in three different spots on her brain and the drs are monitoring those for the next 24/48 hours. So far no swelling on the brain. When she's awake she is talking and laughing as best she can without her ribs hurting. It's a miracle she survived this and as I hear the story over and over again I can see the Lords hand in all of this. He is watching over her and jason. She will be in the ICU for a few days then transferred to a different level and then allowed to go home after she is stable. In the ICU she is not allowed to have visitors other than family and no flowers because of the reactions they can cause other patients. They feel your love and support and still need your prayers. Our family appreciates all you have done and your willingness to serve. 

*IPOD Found
My kids found a lost Ipod at the beginning of this week. It has a neon green cover on the back and "food art" as the wallpaper when you turn it on. Please call Angela at 801-766-6970 if this is yours!

*Ivory Ridge's 2nd Annual FREE Junior Triathlon
June 16th, 2012
Children ages 4-16; There will be a bike & run event for children under the age of 4 in the parking lot
The race will begin promptly at 10 am, please arrive at the clubhouse by 9:30 am to check-in
 4-9  :
swim:  2 pool lengths (kickboards will be available)
bike:  1.6 miles (helmet required to participate)
run:  0.6 mile
swim:  2 pool lengths
bike:  1.6 miles (helmet required to participate)
run:  3/4 mile

Please register with the front desk by June 7th, 2012 to receive your FREE t-shirt & medal
Non-members are welcome, but MUST be registered to participate
We are looking for several volunteers to help make the event enjoyable & safe. 
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Kara at
More volunteer information in following announcement

Ivory Ridge is having their 2nd annual Jr Triathlon, Saturday, June 16th beginning at 10 a.m..  Last year the children had such a great experience!
We are in desperate need of your help filling the following list of volunteer positions to conduct a safe and enjoyable event.  We need at least 40 volunteers, more are welcome.  All volunteers will receive a jr triathlon volunteer shirt to be worn the day of the event.

-Check in station

Hand out shirts, register participants, confirm helmets to participate

Body Markings- Mark participants according to color

Parking Lot Greeters- Welcome participants to race, help with parking
Help organize children into lines
give directions
direct to bike area after swim
-Bike station
help organize bikes as they arrive
help child find bike after swim (they'll be #)
organize incoming bikes after bike event
-Bike/running traffic director
Bike Route In/out monitors- make sure bikes are going the right way
-Bike/run route (13)
Bike route attendants- Along bike path, guide bike riders/runners, cheer
-Kiddie Event
run the event (we will tell you how)
-Food and Water
Volunteer Food- set up and clean up
At the finish, hand out food and water
hand out medals at finish line

We will be having a volunteer meeting Friday evening, June 15th at 6:30pm,  before the event to go over the Triathlon route map, and each volunteer's responsibilities for the following day.
TOTAL VOLUNTEER TIME:  arrive event morning 9:15, event over by 11:15 (you may leave earlier if you are at one of the beginning stations-confirm with us), 30 minutes volunteer meeting night before=  2hours 30 minutes

-Clubhouse is located at: 32 East Clubview Lane, Lehi-
If you are interested in volunteering, please reply soon to Kara at
We appreciate your support!

*Kids Art Classes
Kids Art Classes being taught in Ivory Ridge Community! For those of you interested, My extremely talented cousin who has a BA in Art and Visual Communications has agreed to set up a studio at my house this summer to accommodate kids in our neighborhood. She is teaching classes to kids ages 3-8, and they will start on June 12th. An activity to keep your kids busy without you having to drive them anywhere!! Amazing, right!? Check out the "Little Piggy Studio"blog for more information and registration info. She is only taking a limited number of students so hurry before before spots fill!

*Run the Dirty Dash with Jamie Savage and friends!
I just signed up for The Dirty Dash Utah Fall September 22, 2012 at 8:00 AM and I WANT YOU IN on the muddy mess!
Join my team by going to:
 <a href="">HERE</a> and entering Team Name: Ivory Ridge Clan Captain's Last Name: Savage
You'll thank me for it when you're still trying to get mud out of your ears 2 weeks after the race.
-Jamie Savage

*If you would like me to add your question, events or announcement to the Blog please send your information and details to: or

Have a Great Week!