Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekly News and Events



Come join our play group. Everyone is welcome! It will be every Thursday at 10:00am for about an hour. If the weather is nice we will be rotating who will pick the park to visit for that week. If the weather is bad we will have it at the church gym. Please email me with your name, preferred email and a phone number that I can send a text reminder to for the location every week. Thursday, March 29 we will be meeting at the park in the Clubview Towns. I look forward to getting to know each of you better.    
Adrienne Sturgeon  


You are all invited to come to the new neighborhood Zumba class being taught by Melissa Taylor every Monday morning at 9:30am at the church.

*FHE 46 +

Will only be held on the last Monday of every month until further notice.


*Book Club

The book we are reading for April is "The Giver" by, Lois Lowry.  We will be meeting at my house (Meg Ford's home) 263 E Backhand Lane on Thursday, April 12th and 7:30pm.  So mark your calendars and I will see you then!

*Girl's Night Out

Just a reminder that Girl's night out is the 4th Thursday of the month.  Meet at Auna's home, 185 Clay Lane at 7:30pm.  Once everyone is there they will decide where to go to dinner!

*Lawns by John 

Spring is coming!!!  Do you need Aeration ($35), Power Edging ($25), Spring Fertilizer (Quick Start) ($20) …. If you do all three you get the early bird special (only $65).  Just contact my by email and I can set you up.  (
-Michelle Inman

*Selling Property 

My parents are selling three of their 10-acre parcels up in Duchesne County, Utah (up by Strawberry Reservoir).  If you are interested just send me an email.  (
-Michelle Inman

*Lose Weight - No Wait

Free Health CoachKelly Young
Chocolate Lovers Products eat 6x a day and don't feel hungry!

*Color Me Rad 5K

Jamie Savage and a few others are planning to run the Color me rad 5k on 4/28/2012 and they would like to invite you all to run with them!  It is a really fun 5K where as you run you are sprayed with color and by the end all of the runners are covered with colors!  For more information on the race and registration please go to:  If you would like to register in a group with Jamie and the others contact Jamie before you register!

*If you would like me to add your question, events or announcement to the Blog please send your information and details to: or

Have a Great Week!